Electricity Metering Instruction for Apprentices / Trainees
We offer electricity metering instruction to utility sponsored/ approved electricity metering apprentices/ trainees. Our revolutionary program delivers a strong foundation of metering knowledge and provides insight into the role they have within the utility. Our focus is to develop the required skills and critical thinking abilities of apprentices, which boosts their confidence in the ability to perform their work. Nourishing the whole person to become a success journeyman metering professional, owning the skills of their trade.
Hands-on and field work training is provided through the apprentice's sponsoring company/utility by a mentor/journeyman/trainer. Progress is tracked and monitored by the utility's apprenticeship program manager or admin.
Hours Tracking: We have created an apprentice hours tracking form that is available for anyone to use. Get yours HERE
Our next 3 year webinar course begins Sept 2024
2024/25 CALENDAR - TBD
Our Apprentice RSI Training Program is framed within the guidelines, requirements, and standards for Electricity Metering Apprenticeship Programs that have long been established by the IBEW’s and JATC’s of Oregon, Utah, Arkansas, Texas, and Colorado, as well as WA's LnI.
We deliver the 432 required instructional hours of RSI Electricity Meter Training via interactive online training sessions (36 per year). Classes are 4-hour long sessions. A total of 108 classes are delivered over a three year period.
FirstWeek and ExitWeek are extended Online Sessions delivered in 4 consecutive days.
- Local travel: Meter School in the local utility's region helps to establish networking among area apprentices and journeymen. Also builds a network of peers. See our Meter School LIST for possible choices in your area.
Click Here to Download a PDF for more information
The Venti Program is being restructured and is not currently offered. This was our 2 year online interactive program designed for the Journeyed Professional/ Electricity Craft Worker who has already served an apprenticeship in a related electrical craft and are wanting to obtain the RSI training to enhance their skills for becoming an Electricity Meter Professional/Technician (Journey Worker). Stay tuned for updates or contact us for more information.
Our Venti Program contains the same instruction and materials for the 432 hours of training as our 3 year Traditional Program, but we have packed all 108 sessions into 2 years. Each instructional session (week) is delivered via live 4-hour webinar sessions
Contact us today to discuss your Apprenticeship Training needs or if you are seeking further info about our program. You can reach us by email: Metergod@live.com or by calling (503) 901 6132
Full Course Topics Overview:
1) Vocabulary and Definitions
2) Electric Meter Safety
3) Electricity Training
4) Self-Contained Single Phase Metering Principles
5) Mathematics for Electricity Metering
6) Vector Training for Electricity Metering
7) Self-Contained Single Phase Metering Proofs
8) Customer Relations
9) Application of Single Phase AMI Metering Principles
10) Single Phase Distribution Transformer Theory and Connections
11) Revenue Protection
12) Rates, Tariffs and Policies
13) Demand Metering
14) Field Test Instruments and Equipment
15) Instrument Rated Single Phase Metering Principles
16) Instrument Transformers
17) Instrument Rated Single Phase Metering Proofs
18) Self-Contained Three Phase Metering Principles
19) Self-Contained and Instrument Rated Metering Commonalities
20) Self-Contained Three Phase Metering Proofs
21) Application of Three Phase AMI Metering Principles
22) Three Phase Distribution Transformer Theory and Connections
23) Pulse Metering
24) Instrument Rated Three Phase Metering Principles
25) Instrument Rated Three Phase Metering Proofs
26) Reactive Metering
27) High Voltage Metering
28) High Voltage Metering Proofs
29) Telemetry Metering
30) Totalizing Metering
Why Meter Schools and Apprenticeships matter: The importance of Mentoring and Networking among Electricity Metering Apprentices and Craft Workers!
First of all, “They just don’t know, what they don’t know”, which is why a Seasoned Journey Professional and/or Mentor is necessary to the success of an apprentice. The application of learned tactical awareness, through the experience of applying those tactics in the field, is the vital key needed for apprentice to develop strategic knowledge.
A successful Mentor allows the apprentice to put their skills to the test under their watchful eye; Keen to safety awareness and potential hazards that only their own experiences and strategic knowledge have provided them with. A great Mentor leads the apprentice with enough freedom to experience the work and yet be aware of potential dangers and possibly unsafe conditions.
It has been our experience that by keeping the class size to a maximum of 8 attendees, it helps to develop and enrich each participant’s experience. We’re all on the same team, honoring our individual strengths and helping each other to build up areas of weakness. That is why we have required FirstWeekTM for our online courses.
It is critical in the beginning of a Webinar based program to have the group develop a sense of bonding and comfort with each other in order to trust and feel confident in each other’s presence when online.